Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Mustafa essays

Mustafa essays Habà ­a una mujer muy chiquita que se llamaba Chiquità ­n. Chiquità ­n vivà ­a abajo de una calle. La calle estaba en una ciudad arbica, Mustafa. En Mustafa habà ­a mucho sol, y era muy caliente. Habà ­an muchas personas en Mustafa que podrà ­an hacer juegos malabares con espadas. Tambin habà ­an otras que podrà ­an hacerlo con antorchas. Chiquità ­n no tenà ­a ningà ºn centavo, y necesitaba robar comida cada dà ­a. Era muy fcil para Chiquità ­n porque ella era muy baja, y las personas no podrà ­an verla cuando ella robaba la comida. Cuando las personas miraban a Chiquità ­n, ella les mordà ­a a los dedos del pie, y se escapaba. Habà ­a una persona que se llamaba Pumba. Un dà ­a, Pumba fue al Mustafa. Pumba era muy grande, y tenà ­a una voz muy baja. Un dà ­a, Chiquità ­n intent robar comida de Pumba. Pumba pud sentir a Chiquità ­n, y la vio por debajo. Cuando Pumba vio para abajo, Chiquità ­n le pic a los dedos de Pumba muy rpidamente, pero Pumba la agar antes que lla hiciera mucho da - ¿Por qu ests robando comida de esas personas?- Pumba le pregunt a Chiquità ­n. -Porque yo no tengo comida, y por eso, necesito robar mis cosas,- respondi Chiquità ­n. - ¿Por que le ests picando a los dedos de las personas?- Si quieres comida, debieras preguntarme.- En este momento, Pumba pic a Chiquità ­n. -Por que haces eso?- pregunt Chiquità ­n. -Para que supiste como me siento,- repondio Pumba. -Mis dedos de mi pie me duelen mucho. Lo siento, Persona Grande. Que es tu nombre?- -Me llamo Chiquità ­n.  ¿Puedo tener un poquito de tu comida, Pumba?- ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

How to Do Research Paper Writing. Outline and Examples.

How to Do Research Paper Writing. Outline and Examples. Here is the complete information about the research paper writing. What Is a Research Paper? A research paper is the culmination product of an involved process of critical thinking, research, organization, composition and source evaluation. In other words, it is an extended essay that presents your own interpretation or argument or evaluation of the information you discover with absolute documentation of the sources. When writing a research paper, you build your thought about the question and make a purposeful attempt to find out what experts write or know. Have your hands full with urgent tasks? No stress anymore!  Ã‚  is ready to  make your college life easier. Here well tell you how to write a research paper and offer you a list of research paper topics. But if you wish to have your research paper written by our professional writers, place an order. Research Paper Outline Most courses in the university involve some extended writing assignments, often in the form of a research paper. The papers always require a student to identify a broad area of research related to the course. Becoming an experienced researcher in any field takes a great deal of practice. Remember, even the most seasoned academic writers had to learn how to write a research paper at a given time of their career. Here is the basic research paper outline: Research Paper Title Page The title should tell the reader what to expect in your research paper, addressing keywords that will be used in the literature review. It must include the author(s): full name and affiliation for persons who might have questions about the research. Research Paper Abstract The abstract is used by readers to quickly review the overall content of your research paper. It should provide a complete synopsis of the research paper, introduce the topics and specific research questions. It must provide a statement regarding the methodology and the general statement about the finding and results. It is often written last because it is the summary of the whole research paper. Research Paper Introduction It introduces the overall topic and provides the basic background information. Introduction narrows down the research questions relating to your study. It either gives the focus and purpose for the rest of your research paper or sets up the entire justification for the research paper. Research Paper Methods This section describes the methodology and research design used to complete the study. For instance, you should provide the context and setting of the study, population if applicable, specify the study design, identify the main study variables, sampling strategy, outline analysis methods and data collection procedures and instruments. Research Paper Results What did you find? This section focuses only on results that are related to your research question, and not their significance. However, the results presented will depend on whether the study was qualitative or quantitative. Tables and graphs should only be used when you have too much data that cannot be efficiently included within the text. Research Paper Discussion Give information that interprets your results like the main finding of the study, strengths, and limitation of the results, practice and policy implications of the results. The hypothesis should be to give the answers as validated by your interpretation of the results. It should also discuss how your findings relate to the previous research. Research Paper  Conclusions Do not mention the discussion or the data. State inferences, hunches or speculation and offer the perceptions of future work. References/Bibliography Here, you ensure you cite all the references made in your paper to other sources of information and research studies. This should be laid out according to the specified format, including APA, MLA, Chicago, Oxford and other formats as directed by your professor. Check out our FREE APA REFERENCING TOOL How to Write a Successful Research Paper A research paper is your thought on a given topic, informed by the research you have done. It is a daunting process for both new and experienced writers alike. Here is our step by step guide to help you keep focused down to the path of a successful research paper. 1. Getting started.  Sit down with your computer and identify tasks and build a schedule. Identify the milestone for all steps involved in research and writing process. Check your final due date, and take some time to scheme the task ahead of you before you get started. Ensure you understand your assignment: type, research paper format, and length. 2. Select a topic.  The topic of the research paper is what you want to write about. Narrow the topic by reading the background articles on general references, the internet, magazine, encyclopedia or talk to your professor and peers, while jotting down main ideas. 3.  Set your objective.  Before you start your research, you need to compose a thesis statement, which describes your viewpoint concerning the research. Because your aim is to prove the validity of your thesis, your thesis statement offers a controlling idea that will enable you to choose the resource materials and limit your note taking. 4. Research and  take notes.  List the potential sources of information. Apart from the card catalog and guides for reference books, there are other important sources that can help you locate books and articles relevant to your topic. Often look for unique sources that can distinguish and strengthen your paper. 5. Create an outline for a research paper.  Your outline should reflect the organization format you have selected for your paper, depending on the topic and the thesis statement. It is a process of organizing your thoughts to help you write your research paper. Consider what points you will include, the introduction, the order of the points and how you plan to conclude. 6. Write the draft.  After you have completed creating the outline for a research paper, you can begin to write your draft. At this point, you need not worry about the grammar, spelling, typos, and style. Instead, you should concentrate on content based on your outline. It only consists of three parts: introduction, body, and conclusion. 7. Edit your paper.  When you are through with the draft, edit it, paying close attention to the organization and content of the paper. Is each idea supported by evidence? Do the paragraphs have topic sentences that relate to your thesis? Are there clear transitions in one paragraph to the other? Let your paper ideas or arguments support the research and structure. 8. Bibliography and citations.  Give credit to the sources of ideas, facts, and quotations that have included in your research paper to avoid plagiarism. In fact, documenting your sources of information, allow your leaders to follow your thought process and see how you creatively built upon the thoughts. 9. Formatting.  Depending on the formatting style your professor instructed you to use (APA/MLA/Chicago/Oxford), the title page should be part of the title of the research paper, the instructor’s name, your name, the name of the course and the date the paper is due. 10. Proofread and submit.  A professional proofreading is the last step that enables you to submit your paper in the best light possible. Don’t skip this step! Correct the grammar, spelling and punctuation errors, and mistakes that your system could not catch. Double check the formatting, plus bibliography and citations. If everything is right, submit! How to Start a Research Paper Writing a research paper is a challenge to many college and university students. One of the biggest problems for many students is how to get started. Choosing the topic and doing the research might be half the battle, but starting an introduction always proves to be a daunting task. If done effectively, starting a research paper would be simple and can help you write the whole paper quickly. Here is how to start a research paper: Choose a topic and research it thoroughly.  One problem most students run into when starting a research paper is failing to do proper research on the chosen topic. Research is not all about gathering resources; it involves reading and digesting the source material. Make sure you understand the topic. Create an outline of your research paper.  You must understand the direction of your research paper before you write an effective introduction. Your main aim should be to summarize the research in one or more paragraphs, without giving away the conclusion. Draft the opening paragraph.  Write several opening paragraphs, completing each independently. Write the introduction without directly relying on the structure, but it doesn’t mean you ignore your paper outline. You must look at the resource material when writing the introduction. Choose the best draft of your introduction.  Choose one of the best versions of your draft and revise it. Make sure you have the introduction ready before moving to the body of your research. The introduction should indicate its importance of the future research of your paper, summarize and describe the extent of your research. Critique the introduction.  Ask your friends, teacher or professor read the introduction: it must conform to the requirements of the assignment. Remember, a well-written introduction will automatically flow. How to Write a Conclusion for a Research Paper When you reach the conclusion of your research paper, you probably think there is hardly anything left to include, right! However, writing a conclusion for a research paper is crucial for anyone doing research papers. Here is how to write a research paper conclusion: Research Paper Topics Finding a research paper topic is one of the most challenging steps in writing a research paper. Focus on a broad topic, find topic ideas and be creative in the process. Here is a list of research topics you can use: business crime and law, drugs and drug abuse education environment family issues media and communication health, psychology political issues social issues, religion women and gender terrorism Weve got a great list of research paper topics for you: 60 Best  Research Paper Topics Generally, students have higher expectations of themselves when writing a research paper because they believe the paper has to be perfect. The paper should be clear and thoughtful, written to the point and say things that make sense. Research about what other scholars have written about the topic and the formulating your own theories and ideas based on the existing knowledge and data. At , we understand the importance of adhering to your deadline. Obviously, the sooner you let us know about your term paper the better. However, we have also successfully completed assignments with seemingly impossible due dates on time, rendering our services with the same high quality of writing. Therefore, if you can see how busy the road ahead of you will be or if youre down to the wire, contact us. We will be glad to help. General pricing plan for the Research Paper writing is as follows (prices are in US dollars, cost per page) #get_view(blocks/prices2.php)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Arts in philadelphia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Arts in philadelphia - Research Paper Example Description of the sculpture The Clothespin is a giant steel sculpture standing at the Centre Square in 1500 Market Street, in front of the City Hall in Philadelphia. It stands at a vertical height of forty-five feet, and as research has it, weighs about ten tons. The clothespin represents a normal household clothespin used to hold clothes on lines when drying or for storage only that is larger than life and made of steel, and not plastic. The steel seems to be weathering, probably due to the exposure, as it is an environmental art. However, there is a little variation from the actual clothespin in that the handles or pressure points where on pushes together in this giant piece curves outwards more than normal, maybe to provide more balance for the installation. At the joinery part where the two identical pieces normally have a piece of wire going around each peg to form a pivot, the sculptor imitates that and uses a similar twist of steel to create it. Surprisingly, standing from on e side of the sculpture, the twisted joining steel forms a number â€Å"7†, and if one views it from the opposite side, the steel joinery loops to form a number â€Å"6†. ... Oldenburg, born to a Swedish diplomat in 1929 in Stockholm, later went to live in the United States, particularly in New York, and later moving to Chicago. His post-university saw him meet some artists like Jim Dine, Allan Kaprow, and Red Grooms amongst others with similarities of basing their art on alternative to the famous abstract expressionist wave of painting. Their movement came up with an art whereby they included environments to their performances in a bid to eliminate the differences between the visual arts and theater. These kinds of performances are common as the â€Å"Happenings†. Oldenburg is famous for transforming normal objects and changes them in some ways, such as the way he changed the household clothespin to a giant sculpture, therefore making people to view them in interesting and unexpected forms. The socio-political concept of the Clothespin is more understandable by considering the fact that Jack Wolgin commissioned it in 1974 for the marking of the Ph iladelphian bicentennial through a program by the Redevelopment Authority called Fine Arts Program. The Centennial is an American celebration of culture and industrial progress of one-hundred years, which is a major world fair with much global attraction (Stephanie). As earlier stated, the fastening steel pieces form two numerals (7 and 6 in that order), which is the representation of the centennial exhibition year that is 1876. Oldenburg used this unique artistic representation to include the year in the sculpture without making it too obvious- a preference of most artists. In addition to this function, there are more assumptions leaning more on the social aspect concerning the sculpture. For instance, a distant side-view of the Clothespin gives an illusion of a very tall figure with legs

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Pen-3 Model Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Pen-3 Model - Essay Example PEN 3 Model Culture is defined as a set of beliefs, behaviors, objects and others that are common to a group of people (Schaefer, 2009). Cultural aspects also include religion, language, values, laws, norms and the like. It is learned by the people by imitating the elders and/or enforcement by means of stigma and praises inside the society. Because of this, it is logical to say that culture can also affect health, as the health of an individual is also affected by culture and in turn also affects the health of the society. The health of the society is vital and it should be assessed regularly to monitor the needs of the people. A healthy population is a healthy civilization. Some diseases, like AIDS, are spread because of behavior. AIDS is transmitted by having unprotected sex or by using soiled needles contaminated by the HIV in medical procedures. These are all controllable and the spread can actually be contained when the people can just adjust their behavior. Behavior, like promi scuity, is an aspect of culture. Therefore, a disease that is spread by culture can also be corrected by culture. The sub-Saharan territory in Africa has the largest population of people with AIDS. The adult prevalence of AIDS in the 2005 was at 5.0% and it continues to grow (UNAIDS).

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Library Management System Essay Example for Free

Library Management System Essay In today’s modern age where computer has become a way of life, it is evident that a majority of country’s institution still do not adapt high technology. Particularly in some schools, library transactions are still done on paper. We all know that modern school libraries are operating at great pace striving to serve as many students as possible with the best of their abilities. But as the years rolled by, the number of study has grown and the manual method of managing student and book records is no longer practical. A Library Management System is a system that makes use of information technology to perform managerial objects. The main goal of a library management information system is to store, organize, share and retrieve vital information needed to perform daily operational functions of the library. St. Matthew Academy of Cavite does not have one. Since library has a very large number of books and large number of members, it is impossible for librarians to handle day to day activities manually. Therefore, a library management system is used to facilitate the tasks in the library. With growing population and high demand of students, St. Matthew Academy of Cavite is in need of such system. And so this is the reason why the proponents came up with the idea of developing the system. By means of obtaining good performance of such system for the library, the level of production and effectiveness of the library will progress. Therefore, this proposal was conducted to develop a system that will minimize all paper works and manual records keeping, thus allowing the librarians and staff ease in keeping track of student records, reducing waiting time and increasing the number of students served – a system that is well-organized, efficient and user-friendly. Statement of the Problem. We had observed that the St. Matthew Academy of Cavite Library does not have a secured system to protect their records and files. The study aims to answer the problem, â€Å"How will the proposed system assure security for the files and records of the library? † Some library cards and other files are misplaced or lost due to improper storage. The study seeks answer to the problem, â€Å"How will the proposed system keep track and record all the files and information? † According to the librarian, paper works and manual process consume a lot of time which causes the transactions to be slow and inaccurate. †How will the proposed system produce accurate and fast transactions? † Importance of the Study St. Matthew Academy of Cavite is located in Niog 1, Bacoor Cavite that offers elementary and high school courses owned by Mr Efren L. de Guzman(School director). In the School library, the processes are done manually. A borrower should have a library card; this will serve as library pass/identification to avail the privileges to each student of the school. The student may enter the book section and search for a book. After choosing a book, he/she will take it to the librarian. The librarian will get the catalogue at the back of the book and fill the details on it. The student must surrender his/her library card. Today, the kind of process they are using is no longer convenient. With establishments like St. Matthew Academy of Cavite, Library Management System is necessary. We are already in the phase wherein a lot of technological advances are taking place which makes the proposal very suitable. Through the implementation of the said system, better results and improvements will take place and it will mainly contribute to the progress of the establishment. The users are the people for whom the system is being built for. Therefore, the Library management system will help satisfy the requirements of the user. Especially now that we are in the modern age where technology has become part of our lives, the system is very appropriate to fulfill the ever-changing needs of users. The researchers are the one responsible for meeting the user requirements. The study certainly adds knowledge and improves the researchers’ skill in developing a functional system that would satisfy their clients. The study unleashes their ability to investigate and come up with a system that makes them more effective and productive researchers. For the future researchers, the Library management system works for small library establishment only. Thus, if the future researchers will find the system appealing, they can come up with new ideas and enhance the system for a more useful and efficient system which can be used for larger libraries. Objectives of the Study In general, the study aims to provide a better system for the SMAC library that would help the librarians to make their work easier. The system is created to replace the manual lending, returning of books. Specifically it aims: 1. To plan for a system that will lessen all paper works and manual procedures to make transactions fast, accurate and accessible. 2. To analyze the function and performance of the library management system, understand the user’s need for the system. 3. To design a user-friendly system that is secured and protected that will help the users understand the functions and flow of the system. 4. To implement a system that will help librarians to keep all the records and transaction manageable. Time and Place of Study The proposed study was conducted at St. Matthew Academy of Cavite, located at Niog 1, Bacoor, Cavite, in the year 2012. Scope and Limitation In general, the focus of the study is to provide a better system for the SMAC library. The implementation of the Library management system will provide solutions for the existing problems within the library. The Library management system is intended to manage the transactions going throughout the library. It will enable the user to operate all the records that are entered to the system. The system maintains the record of the books in the library, borrowing and returning process of the books in the library. It includes the information of books such as title of the book, name of author, the date it was published. The end user of the system is the librarian or the one in charge of the library, which take care of the transactions inside the library. Developments and effectiveness are to be established in this proposal. However, every study has its own limitation. The limitations of the system are the following: Module of Books The user is capable of adding, editing, and searching of book information. The members can search for book title, author or subject by keywords through the OPAC(Public user interface). The OPAC only displays result of the searched book. The members are not capable of editing any records. The user is not capable of deleting records because this is an inventory. Module of Members The user is capable of adding new members, editing, searching and updating member’s information. The user is not capable of deleting members in the database. Module of Borrowed Books This module includes data of books which are issued or borrowed. The user is capable of adding records about issuance of books. Module of Returned Books This module includes data of books which are returned. The user is capable of adding of records. Module of Unreturned books This module includes the record of all unreturned books. Module of Penalty This module includes data of fine on members for late return of books, damage of books or lost books. It does not include printing of receipt. Module of Transaction This Module includes the transactions of borrowing and returning of books, and maintaining records of the book details, member info, date borrowed, due date, the date returned and penalty, if any. Definition of Terms Visual Basic – a programming language created with the main purpose of teaching programmers and developers how to design and develop GUI. Database- a collection of data (information) on a specific topic stored in an organized manner. Record- all of the information listed for one particular item (person, place or thing) in the database file. Search/Find –an operation to locate a specific record(s) that satisfies a statement or statements of criteria. OPAC (Public Interface of User) or simply Library Catalog is a database of materials held by a library or group of libraries. Users search a library catalogprincipally to locate books and other material physically located at a library. Circulation- or library lending comprises the activities around the lending of library books and other material to users of a lending library. A circulation or lending department is one of the key departments of a library. Filipiniana- repository of materials regarding the Philippines either published within or outside the country, authored by a Filipino or foreign writers as long as it is about the Philippines. This section includes books in the different fields of endeavor. Reference – various books that are sources of information about different subjects. They include dictionaries, encyclopedias, manual, and other informational books. Most books in the Reference Section may not be taken out so that they are always available to those who need them. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Information System It has been a computer era. The computer revolution is greatly affecting the way human’s life. The task of the storage and retrieval for vest amount of information has been taken over almost entirely by computer system. The computer has made it possible to automate much of the information interchange and processing that constitute the nervous system of the society. The computer system that provides the automation is commonly called information system. It will be responsible for computer technology for long term impact on society especially in science like in the field of health and medicine, chemistry, mineral exploration, millitary tactics, finance, education, media and communications, economics, sports, transportation, photography and other related areas. The information storage and retrieval is an active area of computer to help related work both for hardware device and software system as it was stated, information storage and retrieval involves more than hardware devices and storage media alone. To make the physical equipment readily, usable it is necessary to operation associated with it are to add information and others. While many people are excited about all these uses of computer, many others are concerned about the problems like work displacement, invasion, privacy, and the personalization in business operatation. The advantages of a new technologyb are often obvious but the problemas that may arise are much more difficult to access. (Davis, 2005) Use Case Diagram A use case is a methodology used on system analysis to identify, clarify, and organize system requirements. The use case is made up of a set of possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a particular environment and related to a particular goal. It consists of a group of elements that can be used together in a way that will have an effect larger than the sum of the separate elements combined should contain all system aactivities that have significance to the users. A use case can be thought of as a collection of possible scenarios related to a particular goal, indeed the use case and goal are sometimes considered to be synonymous. (Antoinette Michaella, 1999) Class Diagram A class diagram is an illustration of the relationships and source code dependencies among classes in the unified modeling language (UML). In this context, a class defines the methods and variables in an object which is a specific entity in a program or the unit of code representing that entity. Class diagrams are useful in all forms of object oriented programming (OOP). The concept is several years old but has been refined as OOP modeling pardigms have evolved. The classes are arranged in groups that share comon characteristics. A class diagram resembles a flowchart in which classes are portrayed in boxes. Each box having three rectangles inside. The top rectangle contains the name of the class; the middle rectangle contains the attributes of the class; the lower rectangle contains the methods, also called operations, of the class lines, which may have arrows at one or both ends, connect the boxes. These lines define the relationship, also called association, between the classes. (Francis Michael, 2001) Related Studies on the Proposed Study Saint Vincent High School Library System The objective of Saint Vincent High School Library System is to impelement a system to facilitate the borrowing of books in the school. The Library contributes to the quality of services offered in the academic community, making it an excellent place for study and research. The Library is responsive units that have adapted and changed substantially over the years. (Pomperada, 2011) El Segundo Unified School District Library System The School Libraries of the El Segundo Unified School District are deeply involved with the El Segundo Public Library. The Public Library shares the Automated Circulation and on-line Public Access Catalog System with the School Libraries. The School Libraries serve as branches of the El Segundo Public Library. This collaboration means the El Segundo Public Library Card is used at the School Libraries. Anyone visiting the Public Library and using the Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) can locate and request any book in any of the libraries. Using the Interlibrary loan system, books are shared between the school libraries and the Public Library. Books can also be pooled together to assist a teacher with a research assignment. UCV Library System The University of Cagayan Valley Library System is an important part of UCV instructions. These are the heart and brain centers of the University, and special place to do research and thorough study. The libraries provide each college with intellectual, up to date high tech resources to support its educational programs. (Del Rosario, 2008) Table 1 shows the comparison of local studies features with the features of the proposed system. |FEATURES |SVHS |ESUSD |UCV |SMAC | |Checking of penalties | | | | | |Viewing of records | | | | | |Updating of Records | | | | | |Adding of Members | | | | | |OPAC | | | | | Table 2. Comparison of Local Studies features with the Proposed Study Legend: SVHS- Saint Vincent High School ESUSD – El Segundo Unified School District UCV University of Cagayan Valley METHODOLOGY The Model chosen for the study is Waterfall Model. The following are the verification phases: Figure 1. Waterfall Model The Planning Phase, the researchers determine the nature and scope of the development. In this phase, the researcher gathered all the information about their process. The procedure was conducted by interviewing the librarian to learn the process of borrowing books from the library. The librarian provided sufficient and useful information on how the manual borrowing of books in the library is conducted. The system’s physical interface, data purpose, etc. , was reviewed by the researchers. The Analysis Phase, the researchers analyzed the user’s needs for the system. In this phase, the system shall be defined in more detail with regard to system inputs, processes, outputs and interfaces. The system shall be described in terms of the functions to be performed. The document for system testing was prepared in this phase. The Design Phase, describes how the proposed system will be built. It defines the specifications, plans, parameters, activities, processes. The researchers designed a well-structured GUI to make it appropriate for the users. It must be user-friendly and secured. The Testing Phase, a particular process or method for trying or assessing. The system needs to be evaluated and tested before it will be used in SMAC Library. A sequence of test was held by the proponents to emphasize all possible problems that may occur. The Implementation Phase, the carrying out, execution or practice of a design. It encompasses all the processes involved in getting new software or hardware operating properly in its environment, including installation, configuration and running, testing and making neccesary changes. The Maintenance Phase, the last phase of the system wherein all areas of operations and maintenace are performed. The system is being used and monitored to ensure that it meets the needs initially stated in the planning phase. Design Maintenance Implementation Testing Analysis Planning.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Nominating an Outstanding Person to The Hall of Fame Essay example --

I nominate Regina Geis for recognition in the State Hall of Fame. Born on December 29, 1995, daughter of Robert and Robin Geis, sister of Daniel and Benjamin Geis. Regina is an inspiring person who brings out joy and happiness. She inspires people to give their best and live for the right reasons. She is an overachiever and has always done well in school. In fact, Regina is a straight A student. It is encouraging how much time and effort she puts in her school time. Spending some of her time at work and home, but spending most of her time at school or church. Regina strives for excellence, but other than her inspiring life, she shall first be recognized for more than what she does but for who she is, like her personality; beautiful, awesome and amazing, outgoing and funny, exhilarating and adventurous, goofy and silly, caring and kind, sweet, a perfect character, there is never a dull moment when hanging out with her. Though she has her serious moments, when it comes to having fun, she knows how to embrace herself. When music plays, she dances and sings, and does not care what she looks like or who is around. Sometimes showing your complete self is hard, but Regina is 100% herself. The times she hangs out with her girls or sometimes, even her brother, well, lets just say it is all laughs and giggles from there. Speaking of her brother, siblings fight daily and they have their differences, but Regina shows the roll of a wonderful big sister. Yes, some days her brother drives her crazy, but she would do absolutely anything for him, as well as her friends and family. There are times when she places herself before others, but she deserves that because she places others before herself the majority of the time. Regina likes to joke... ...hat she will be recognized in many Hall of Fames, rather than only the state, because she will be someone more and make it somewhere; anywhere. Geis will continue to impact people and their lives in ways she would not understand. Regina Geis is an inspiring girl who deserves the recognition in the State Hall of Fame. Works Cited http://admissions.illinois.edu/academics/honors_colleges.html http://www.forbes.com/sites/jamesmarshallcrotty/2013/03/13/motivation-matters-40-of-high-school-students-chronically-disengaged-from-school/ http://www.nbcnews.com/id/7019023/ns/us_news/t/study-most-us-teens-serious-about-religion http://www.newrepublic.com/article/116332/david-brookss-editorial-gets-poverty-and-education-wrong http://www.publicagenda.org/press-releases/survey-sports-arts-clubs-volunteering-out-school-activities-play-crucial-positive-role-kids

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Device to Overcome Sense of Sight and Hear

SENSE OF SIGHT†¦. The eyes are sensory organs. They keep the brain updated with information about is what happening around the body. Both contain millions of tiny sensors that send messages along nerves to the brain. Sensors in the eyes respond to light and, through the brain, let us see the world. Sensors in the skin respond to touch and allows us to feel. * * * * The seeing eye†¦ Light enters the eye through the clear cornea. It then passes through the pupil and is focused by the lens on the retina. This thin layer covers the back of the eye and contains cells that are sensitive to light.When light hits the cells, they send signals to the brain. There, the signals are turned into pictures so we can see. Telescope†¦ A  telescope  is an instrument that aids in the observation of remote objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation  (such as  visible light). The first known practical telescopes were invented in the  Netherlands  at the beginning of the 17t h century, using glass lenses. They found use in terrestrial applications and astronomy. Within a few decades, the  reflecting telescope  was invented, which used mirrors.In the 20th century many new types of telescopes were invented, including  radio telescopes  in the 1930s and  infrared telescopes  in the 1960s. The word  telescope  now refers to a wide range of instruments detecting different regions of the  electromagnetic spectrum, and in some cases other types of detectors. History†¦ The earliest recorded working telescopes were the  refracting telescopes  that appeared in the Netherlands  in 1608. Their development is credited to three individuals:  Hans Lippershey  and Zacharias Janssen, who were spectacle makers in Middelburg, and  Jacob Metius  of Alkmaar. 4]  Galileo  heard about the Dutch telescope in June 1609, built his own within a month,[5]  and greatly improved upon the design in the following year. The idea that the  ob jective, or light-gathering element, could be a mirror instead of a lens was being investigated soon after the invention of the refracting telescope. [6]  The potential advantages of using  parabolic mirrors—reduction of  spherical aberration  and no  chromatic aberration—led to many proposed designs and several attempts to build  reflecting telescopes. 7]  In 1668,  Isaac Newton  built the first practical reflecting telescope, of a design which now bears his name, the  Newtonian reflector. The invention of the  achromatic lens  in 1733 partially corrected color aberrations present in the simple lens and enabled the construction of shorter, more functional refracting telescopes. Reflecting telescopes, though not limited by the color problems seen in refractors, were hampered by the use of fast tarnishing  speculum metal  mirrors employed during the 18th and early 19th century—a problem alleviated by the introduction of silver coated g lass mirrors in 1857,[8]  and aluminized mirrors in 1932. 9]  The maximum physical size limit for refracting telescopes is about 1 meter (40  inches), dictating that the vast majority of large optical researching telescopes built since the turn of the 20th century have been reflectors. The largest reflecting telescopes currently have objectives larger than 10  m (33  feet). The 20th century also saw the development of telescopes that worked in a wide range of wavelengths from  radio  to  gamma-rays. The first purpose built radio telescope went into operation in 1937. Since then, a tremendous variety of complex astronomical instruments have been developed.How to use†¦ * Find an area where the items you wish to view aren't obstructed by trees to set up your telescope so that you get a clear view of the sky. * Look to see if your telescope has a polar axis. If it does, it will track whatever you are looking at. If you have a telescope with a polar axis, follow your manufacturer's directions on how to align the polar axis and the finder scope. * Select the eyepiece with the lowest magnification that you have. Always start with the lowest magnification eyepiece until you become more experienced in using your telescope. Locate the item in the night sky that you wish to observe and focus in on it. Move the planet or star you are viewing as close to the center of the field of view in the eyepiece as possible. * Remove the low magnification eyepiece and replace it with an eyepiece with a higher magnification. * Readjust the alignment of the telescope when the planet or star drifts out of view if you have a manual telescope mount. * Continue in this manner, observing different visible planets and stars. Binoculars †¦Binoculars,  field glasses  or  binocular telescopes  are a pair of identical or mirror-symmetrical  telescopes  mounted side-by-side and aligned to point accurately in the same direction, allowing the viewer to use both eyes (binocular vision) when viewing distant objects. Most are sized to be held using both hands, although sizes vary widely from  opera glasses  to large pedestal mounted military models. Many different abbreviations are used for binoculars, including  glasses, nocs ,noculars ,  binos  and  bins. Unlike a (monocular) telescope, binoculars give users a three-dimensional image: for nearer objects the two views, presented to ach of the viewer's eyes from slightly different viewpoints, produce a merged view with an  impression of depth. History †¦ No sooner was the telescope invented in than the early 1600s than did astronomers get the idea of mounting two of them together, effectively inventing the first binoculars. Galileo (who is often falsely credited with having invented binoculars) adapted an earlier design, using optics that combined convex and concave lenses to create a magnifying effect just like that used today in the cheapest nonprismatic glasses marketed for sports or theater viewing, or for use by children.In the mid-1850s, Ignazio Porro of Italy patented a design using two prisms constructed in a Z shape to present the viewer with an image that not only is better magnified, but has depth. The Porro prism design was followed a few decades later by the roof prism, in which the prisms are constructed in one unit. Soon, binoculars were adapted for military use, and were employed during the Civil War. Quality made a big jump around the turn of the 19th century, and continued to be refined in the early 1900s. With the advent of World War II, more manufacturers entered the binoculars market, including, in the United States, Bausch ; Lomb.Germany continued with its production of highly regarded binoculars, with a few changes. For example, Zeiss, one of the top names in binoculars, experienced a confusing shift, with a new factory established in East Germany under Russian control with the Zeiss name while another factory named Zeiss was b egan exporting from West Germany, according to a history in the 1961 book Binoculars and Scopes and Their Uses in Photography, by Robert J. and Elsa Reichert. Japan exports binoculars via various manufacturers, and some U. S. ompanies import Japanese-made binoculars but sell them under the U. S. company name. How to use†¦ * Put the binocular strap around your neck. Wearing the neck-strap gives you the ability to use both hands while you are using the binoculars. * Adjust the barrels of the binoculars — each side you look into — to the width of your face. Generally, all you need to do is move the barrels closer together or further apart as you hold the binoculars up to your eyes. If you have adjusted the binoculars correctly, you should not see a black â€Å"border† when you look through the eyepieces. Locate the central focus wheel, usually in the middle of the two barrels of the binoculars. Turn the wheel slowly as you look at a particular object in the di stance to get the best focus for your eyes. * Fine-tune your viewing even more if you have a diopter focus mechanism on your binoculars. Not all binoculars have this focus element, which helps compensate for the difference in vision that you might experience in each of your eyes. The diopter focus adjustment wheel is usually on the right-hand barrel. * Keep both eyes open as you view your target objects.You might need to re-focus from time to time. * Clean your binoculars after using them. A soft, damp cloth is sufficient for the body of the binoculars. Treated tissue paper used to clean cameras and eye glasses is safe for wiping the lenses. Store binoculars in their carrying case when you're not using them. Microscope †¦ A  microscope  (from the  Ancient Greek:   ,  mikros, â€Å"small† and   ,  skopein, â€Å"to look† or â€Å"see†) is an  instrument  used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye. The science of investigating small objects using such an instrument is called  microscopy .Microscopic  means invisible to the eye unless aided by a microscope. There are many types of microscopes, the most common and first to be invented is theoptical microscope  which uses  light  to image the sample. Other major types of microscopes are the  electron microscope  (both the  transmission electron microscope  and the  scanning electron microscope) and the various types of  scanning probe microscope History †¦ The first microscope to be developed was the optical microscope, although the original inventor is not easy to identify. An early microscope was made in 1590 in  Middelburg, Netherlands. 1]  Two  eyeglass  makers are variously given credit:  Hans Lippershey   (who developed an early  telescope) and  Zacharias Janssen. Giovanni Faber  coined the namemicroscope   for  Galileo Galilei's compound microscope in 1625  [2]  (Galileo had called it the â€Å"occ hiolino† or â€Å"little eye†). How to use†¦. * When moving your microscope, always carry it with both hands (Figure 1, below). Grasp the arm with one hand and place the other hand under the base for support. * Turn the revolving nosepiece so that the lowest power objective lens is â€Å"clicked† into position (This is also the shortest objective lens). Your microscope slide should be prepared with a coverslip or cover glass over the specimen. This will help protect the objective lenses if they touch the slide. Place the microscope slide on the stage and fasten it with the stage clips. You can push down on the back end of the stage clip to open it. * Look at the objective lens and the stage from the side (Figure 2) and turn the coarse focus knob so that the objective lens moves downward (or the stage, if it moves, goes upward). Move it as far as it will go  without touching the slide! * 5.Now, look through the eyepiece and adjust the illuminator (or mirror ) and diaphragm (Figure 3) for the greatest amount of light. | | | * Slowly turn the coarse adjustment so that the objective lens goes  up  (away from the slide). Continue until the image comes into focus. Use the fine adjustment, if available, for fine focusing. If you have a microscope with a moving stage, then turn the coarse knob so the stage moves downward or away from the objective lens. * Move the microscope slide around so that the image is in the center of the field of view and readjust the mirror, illuminator or diaphragm for the clearest image. Now, you should be able to change to the next objective lenses with only minimal use of the focusing adjustment. Use the fine adjustment, if available. If you cannot focus on your specimen, repeat steps 4 through 7 with the higher power objective lens in place. Do not allow the objective lens to touch the slide! * The proper way to use a monocular microscope is to look through the eyepiece with one eye and keep the other eye op en (this helps avoid eye strain). If you have to close one eye when looking into the microscope, it's ok. Remember, everything is upside down and backwards.When you move the slide to the right, the image goes to the left! * Do not touch the glass part of the lenses with your fingers. Use only special lens paper to clean the lenses. * When finished, raise the tube (or lower the stage), click the low power lens into position and remove the slide. * Always keep your microscope covered when not in use. Submarine†¦ A  submarine  is a  watercraft  capable of independent operation underwater. It differs from a  submersible, which has more limited underwater capability. The term submarine most commonly refers to a large crewed autonomous vessel.However, historically or colloquially, submarine can also refer to medium-sized or smaller vessels (midget submarines,  wet subs),  remotely operated vehiclesor  robots. The adjective  submarine, in terms such as  submarine c able, means â€Å"under the sea†. The noun  submarine  evolved as a shortened form of  submarine boat(and is often further shortened to  sub). [1]  For reasons of  naval traditionsubmarines are usually referred to as â€Å"boats† rather than as â€Å"ships†, regardless of their size. Although experimental submarines had been built before, submarine design took off during the 19th century, and they were adopted by several navies.Submarines were first widely used during  World War I  (1914–1918) and now figure in many large  navies. Military usage includes attacking enemy surface ships or submarines,  aircraft carrier  protection,  blockaderunning,  ballistic missile submarines  as part of a nuclear strike force,  reconnaissance, conventional land attack (for example using acruise missile), and covert insertion of  special forces. Civilian uses for submarines include  marine science, salvage, exploration and facility inspec tion/maintenance. Submarines can also be modified to perform more specialized functions such as search-and-rescue missions or  undersea cable  repair.Submarines are also used in tourism, and for  undersea archaeology. Most large submarines consist of a cylindrical body with hemispherical (and/or conical) ends and a vertical structure, usually located amidships, which houses communications and sensing devices as well as periscopes. In modern submarines this structure is the â€Å"sail† in American usage, and â€Å"fin† in European usage. A â€Å"conning tower† was a feature of earlier designs: a separate pressure hull above the main body of the boat that allowed the use of shorter periscopes.There is a propeller (or pump jet) at the rear and various hydrodynamic control fins as well as ballast tanks. Smaller, deep diving and specialty submarines may deviate significantly from this traditional layout. Submarines have one of the largest ranges of capabilities in any vessel, ranging from small autonomous examples to one- or two-person vessels operating for a few hours, to vessels which can remain submerged for 6 months such as the  Russian  Typhoon class  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ the biggest submarines ever built and in use. Submarines can work at greater depths than are survivable or practical for human  divers.Modern deep diving submarines are derived from the  bathyscaphe, which in turn was an evolution of the  diving bell. History†¦ The first submersible of which we have reliable information on its construction was built in 1620 by  Cornelius Drebbel, a  Dutchman  in the service of  James I of England. It was created to the standards of the design outlined by English mathematician  William Bourne. It was propelled by means of oars. The precise nature of the submarine type is a matter of some controversy; some claim that it was merely a bell towed by a boat. Two improved types were tested in the  Thames  between 1620 an d 1624.In 2002 a two-person version of Bourne's design was built for the  BBC  TV programme  Building the Impossible  by  Mark Edwards, and successfully rowed under water at  Dorney Lake,  Eton. Though the first submersible vehicles were tools for exploring under water, it did not take long for inventors to recognize their military potential. The strategic advantages of submarines were set out by Bishop  John Wilkins  of  Chester, England, in  Mathematicall Magick  in 1648: 1. This private: a man may thus go to any coast in the world invisibly, without discovery or prevented in his journey. 2.This safe, from the uncertainty of Tides, and the violence of Tempests, which do never move the sea above five or six paces deep. From Pirates and Robbers which do so infest other voyages; from ice and great frost, which do so much endanger the passages towards the Poles. 3. It may be of great advantages against a Navy of enemies, who by this may be undermined in the wat er and blown up. 4. It may be of special use for the relief of any place besieged by water, to convey unto them invisible supplies; and so likewise for the surprisal of any place that is accessible by water. 5.It may be of unspeakable benefit for submarine experiment How it work†¦ The adaptations and inventions that allow sailors to not only fight a battle, but also live for months or even years underwater are some of the most brilliant developments in military history. In this article, you will see how a submarine dives and surfaces in the water, how life support is maintained, how the submarine gets its power, how a submarine finds its way in the deep ocean and how submarines might be rescued. Ultrasound scanning device†¦ Ultrasound  is a cyclic  sound  pressure wave with a  frequency  greater than the upper limit of the human  hearing range.Ultrasound is thus not separated from â€Å"normal† (audible) sound based on differences in physical properties, only the fact that humans cannot hear it. Although this limit varies from person to person, it is approximately 20  kilohertz  (20,000 hertz) in healthy, young adults. Ultrasound devices operate with frequencies from 20  kHz up to several gigahertz. Ultrasound is used in many different fields. Ultrasonic devices are used to detect objects and measure distances. Ultrasonic imaging (sonography) is used in human and veterinary medicine. In non-destructive testing of products and structures, ultrasound is used to detect invisible flaws.Industrially, ultrasound is used for cleaning and for mixing, and to accelerate chemical processes. Organisms such as bats and porpoises use ultrasound for locating prey and obstacles. Ultrasonics  is the application of  ultrasound. Ultrasound can be used for imaging, detection, measurement, and cleaning. At higher power levels ultrasonics are useful for changing the chemical  . History †¦ Acoustics, the science of sound, starts as far b ack as  Pythagoras  in the 6th century BC, who wrote on the mathematical properties of stringed instruments. Sir  Francis Galton  constructed  a whistle  producing ultrasound in 1893.The first technological application of ultrasound was an attempt to detect icebergs by  Paul Langevin  in 1917. The  piezoelectric effect  discovered by Jacques and Pierre Curie in 1880 was useful in transducers to generate and detect ultrasonic waves in air and water. [2]  Echolocation  in bats was discovered byLazzaro Spallanzani  in 1794, when he demonstrated that bats hunted and navigated by inaudible sound and not vision. How it works†¦ There are many reasons to get an ultrasound. Perhaps you're pregnant, and your obstetrician wants you to have an ultrasound to check on the developing baby or determine the due date.Maybe you're having problems with blood  circulation in a limb or your heart, and your doctor has requested a Doppler ultrasound to look at the blood flo w. Ultrasound has been a popular medical imaging technique for many years. Ultrasound  or  ultrasonography is a medical imaging technique that uses high frequency sound waves and their echoes. The technique is similar to the echolocation used by bats, whales and dolphins, as well as SONAR used by  submarines. In this article, we'll look at how ultrasound works, what type of ultrasound techniques are vailable and what each technique can be used for. Magnifying glass†¦ A  magnifying glass  (called a  hand lens  in laboratory contexts) is a  convex lens  that is used to produce a  magnified  image  of an object. The  lens  is usually mounted in a frame with a handle (see image). A  sheet magnifier  consists of many very narrow concentric ring-shaped lenses, such that the combination acts as a single lens but is much thinner. This arrangement is known as aFresnel lens. The magnifying glass is an icon of  detective fiction, particularly that of  S herlock Holmes. History †¦The earliest evidence of â€Å"a magnifying device, a convex lens forming a magnified image† was Aristophanes's â€Å"lens†, from 424 BC, a glass globe filled with water. (Seneca  wrote that it could be used to read letters â€Å"no matter how small or dim†). [1]  Roger Bacon  described the properties of a magnifying glass in 13th-century  England. Eyeglasses  were developed in 13th-century  Italy. How it works†¦ The  magnification  of a magnifying glass depends upon where it is placed between the user's eye and the object being viewed, and the total distance between them.The  magnifying power  is equivalent to  angular magnification  (this should not be confused with  optical power, which is a different quantity). The magnifying power is the ratio of the sizes of the images formed on the user's retina with and without the lens. [3]  For the â€Å"without† case, it is typically assumed that t he user would bring the object as close to the eye as possible without it becoming blurry. This point, known as the  near point,  varies with age. In a young child it can be as close as 5  cm, while in an elderly person it may be as far as one or two metres.Magnifiers are typically characterized using a â€Å"standard† value of 0. 25  m. The highest magnifying power is obtained by putting the lens very close to the eye and moving the eye and the lens together to obtain the best  focus. The object will then typically also be close to the lens. Sense of hearing†¦ Hearing,  auditory perception, or  audition  is the ability to perceive  sound  by detectingvibrations,  changes in the pressure of the surrounding medium through time, through an organ such as the  ear. Sound may be heard through  solid,  liquid, or  gaseous  matter. It is one of the traditional five  senses.The inability to hear is called  deafness. In humans and other vertebr ates, hearing is performed primarily by the  auditory system: vibrations are detected by the  ear  and transduced into nerve impulses that are perceived by the  brain  (primarily in the  temporal lobe). Like  touch, audition requires sensitivity to the movement of molecules in the world outside the organism. Both hearing and touch are types of mechanosensation. Stethoscope †¦ The  stethoscope  is an acoustic  medical  device for  auscultation, or listening to the internal sounds of an animal or human body.It is often used to listen to lung and  heart sounds. It is also used to listen to  intestines  and blood flow in  arteries  and  veins. In combination with asphygmomanometer, it is commonly used for measurements of  blood pressure. Less commonly, â€Å"mechanic's stethoscopes† are used to listen to internal sounds made by machines, such as diagnosing a malfunctioning automobile engine by listening to the sounds of its internal part s. Stethoscopes can also be used to check scientific vacuum chambers for leaks, and for various other small-scale acoustic monitoring tasks.A stethoscope that intensifies auscultatory sounds is called  phonendoscope. History†¦ The stethoscope was invented in  France  in 1816 by  Rene Laennec  at the  Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital  in  Paris. [1]  It consisted of a wooden tube and was monaural. His device was similar to the common  ear trumpet, a historical form of hearing aid; indeed, his invention was almost indistinguishable in structure and function from the trumpet, which was commonly called a â€Å"microphone†. The first flexible stethoscope of any sort may have been a binaural instrument with articulated joints not very clearly described in 1829. 2]  In 1840,Golding Bird  described a stethoscope he had been using with a flexible tube. Bird was the first to publish a description of such a stethoscope but he noted in his paper the prior exis tence of an earlier design (which he thought was of little utility) which he described as the snake ear trumpet. Bird's stethoscope had a single earpiece. [3]  In 1851, Irish physician Arthur Leared invented a binaural stethoscope, and in 1852 George Cammann perfected the design of the instrument for commercial production, which has become the standard ever since.Cammann also wrote a major treatise on diagnosis by auscultation, which the refined binaural stethoscope made possible. By 1873, there were descriptions of a differential stethoscope that could connect to slightly different locations to create a slight stereo effect, though this did not become a standard tool in clinical practice. The medical historian  Jacalyn Duffin  has argued that the invention of the stethoscope marked a major step in the redefinition of disease from being a bundle of symptoms, to the current sense of a disease as a problem with an anatomical system even if there are no noticeable symptoms.This r e-conceptualiization occurred in part, Duffin argues, because prior to the stethoscopes, there were no non-lethal instruments for exploring internal anatomy. [4] Rappaport and Sprague designed a new stethoscope in the 1940s, which became the standard by which other stethoscopes are measured, consisting of two sides, one of which is used for the respiratory system, the other for the cardiovascular system. The Rappaport-Sprague was later made by  Hewlett-Packard. HP's medical products division was spun off as part of Agilent Technologies, Inc. , where it became Agilent Healthcare.Agilent Healthcare was purchased byPhilips  which became Philips Medical Systems, before the walnut-boxed, $300, original Rappaport-Sprague stethoscope was finally abandoned ca. 2004, along with Philips' brand (manufactured by Andromed, of Montreal, Canada) electronic stethoscope model. The Rappaport-Sprague model stethoscope was heavy and short (18–24  in (46–61  cm)) with an antiquated appearance recognizable by their two large independent latex rubber tubes connecting an exposed-leaf-spring-joined-pair of opposing â€Å"f†-shaped chrome-plated brass binaural ear tubes with a dual-head chest piece.How to use†¦ * Clean off the earpieces before placing the stethoscope into your ears, especially if others share it or you seldom use it. In the hospital, earpieces are wiped with alcohol prep swabs. * Hold the chest piece between your palms to warm it before placing it on a person's chest. Thirty seconds is usually long enough to remove the chill. * Place the stethoscope into your ears. * Hold the chest piece in your hand. With the other hand, tap a finger against the chest piece and listen. Many stethoscopes have reversible heads, which can be incompletely swiveled and block sound. Grip the chest piece between your middle and index fingers to provide firm contact with the skin. * To minimize extraneous noises, avoid touching or rubbing the tubing or chest piece against clothing, bedcovers or hair. * Place the chest piece onto the part of the body you want to listen to. For the heart, this is a few inches above the left nipple. You should hear a steady â€Å"lub dub. † This is known as the apical pulse. * Store your stethoscope so that the tubing isn't kinked when you put it away. In hospitals, when stethoscopes are not being used, they're generally hung by their earpieces so that the tubing can dangle freely.Loudhailer†¦ A  megaphone,  speaking-trumpet,  bullhorn,  blowhorn, or  loud hailer  is a portable, usually hand-held, cone-shaped  acoustic horn  used to  amplify  a person’s voice or othersounds  and direct it in a given direction. The sound is introduced into the narrow end of the megaphone, by holding it up to the face and speaking into it, and the sound waves radiate out the wide end. The megaphone increases the volume of sound by increasing the  acoustic impedance  seen by the  vocal cords,  matching  the impedance of the vocal cords to the air, so that more sound power is radiated.It also serves to direct the sound waves in the direction the horn is pointing. It somewhat distorts the sound of the voice because thefrequency response  of the megaphone is greater at higher sound  frequencies. Since the 1970s the voice-powered  acoustic megaphone  described above has been replaced by theelectric megaphone, which uses electric power to  amplify  the voice. History†¦ The initial inventor of the speaking trumpet is a subject of historical controversy, as both  Samuel Morland  and  Athanasius Kircher  lay claim to the device.Morland, in a work published in 1655, wrote about his experimentation with different horns and his most successful variant. This loudest horn was made of over 20 feet of copper and could supposedly project vocalizations as far as a mile and a half. [1] Twenty years earlier, Kircher described a device that could b e used for both broadcasting on one end and â€Å"overhearing† on the other. His coiled horn would be wedged into the side of a building, connecting a speaker or listener inside with the surrounding environment.Morland favored a straight, tube-shaped speaking device, where an initial sound would reverberate in waves through the instrument and gradually become louder. Kircher’s horn, on the other hand, utilized a â€Å"cochleate† design, where the horn was twisted and coiled, unlike Morland’s design. A later,  papier-mache  trumpet of special design was the Sengerphone. [2] The term ‘megaphone’ was first associated with  Thomas Edison’s instrument 200 years later. In 1878, Edison developed a device similar to the speaking trumpet in hopes of benefiting the deaf and hard of hearing.His variation included three separate funnels lined up in a row. The two outer funnels, which were six feet and eight inches long, were made of paper an d connected to a tube inserted in each ear. The middle funnel was similar to Morland’s speaking trumpet, but had a larger slot to insert a user’s mouth. [3] With Edison’s megaphone, a low whisper could be heard a thousand feet away, while a normal tone of voice could be heard roughly two miles away. On the listening end, the receiver could hear a low whisper at a thousand feet away. However the apparatus was much too large to be portable, limiting its use.George Prescott wrote: â€Å"The principal drawback at present is the large size of the apparatus. † Since the 1960s acoustic megaphones have generally been replaced by electric versions  (below), although the cheap, light, rugged acoustic megaphone is still used in a few venues, like cheering at sporting events,  cheerleading, and by  lifeguards  at pools and beaches where the moisture could damage the electronics of electric megaphones. How to use†¦ * Hold the megaphone several inches from your mouth with the small end toward you and the large end away from you. * Point the large end of the megaphone toward the crowd you wish to exhort. Speak loudly or shout into the small end. * Wait for the crowd's response, then repeat Step 3 as necessary. Sonar†¦ Sonar  (originally an  acronym  for  Sound  Navigation  And  Ranging) is a technique that uses  sound  propagation (usually underwater, as in  submarine navigation) to  navigate, communicate with or detect objects on or under the surface of the water, such as other vessels. Two types of technology share the name â€Å"sonar†:  passive  sonar is essentially listening for the sound made by vessels;  active  sonar is emitting pulses of sounds and listening for echoes.Sonar may be used as a means of  acoustic location  and of measurement of the echo characteristics of â€Å"targets† in the water. Acoustic location in air was used before the introduction of  radar. Sonar may also be used in air for robot navigation, and  SODAR  (an upward looking in-air sonar) is used for atmospheric investigations. The term  sonar  is also used for the equipment used to generate and receive the sound. The acoustic frequencies used in sonar systems vary from very low (infrasonic) to extremely high (ultrasonic). The study of underwater sound is known as  underwater acoustics  orhydroacoustics.History†¦ Although some animals (dolphins and bats) have used sound for communication and object detection for millions of years, use by humans in the water is initially recorded by  Leonardo Da Vinci  in 1490: a tube inserted into the water was said to be used to detect vessels by placing an ear to the tube. [1] In the 19th century an underwater bell was used as an ancillary to  lighthouses  to provide warning of hazards. The use of sound to ‘echo locate' underwater in the same way as  bats  use sound for aerial navigation seems to have been p rompted by the  Titanic  disaster of 1912.The world's first  patent  for an underwater echo ranging device was filed at the British  Patent Office  by English meteorologist  Lewis Richardson  a month after the sinking of the Titanic,[2]  and a German physicist  Alexander Behm  obtained a patent for an echo sounder in 1913. The Canadian engineer  Reginald Fessenden, while working for the Submarine Signal Company in Boston, built an experimental system beginning in 1912, a system later tested in Boston Harbor, and finally in 1914 from the U. S. Revenue (now Coast Guard) Cutter Miami on the  Grand Banks  off  Newfoundland  Canada. 2][3]  In that test, Fessenden demonstrated depth sounding, underwater communications (Morse Code) and echo ranging (detecting an iceberg at two miles (3  km) range). [4][5]  The so-called  Fessenden  oscillator, at ca. 500  Hz frequency, was unable to determine the bearing of the berg due to the 3 metre wavelength and the small dimension of the transducer's radiating face (less than 1 metre in diameter). The ten  Montreal-built  British H class submarines  launched in 1915 were equipped with aFessenden oscillator. [6] During  World War I  the need to detect  submarines  prompted more research into the use of sound.The British made early use of underwater hydrophones, while the French physicist  Paul Langevin, working with a Russian immigrant electrical engineer,  Constantin Chilowski, worked on the development of active sound devices for detecting submarines in 1915 using quartz. Although  piezoelectricand magnetostrictive transducers later superseded the  electrostatic  transducers they used, this work influenced future designs. Lightweight sound-sensitive plastic film and fibre optics have been used for  hydrophones  (acousto-electric transducers for in-water use), while  Terfenol-D  and PMN (lead magnesium niobate) have been developed for projectors.How to u se†¦ * Install the transmitter. You'll usually have a choice between mounting the transmitter beneath the boat, to a trolling motor or atop the interior hull and letting it drop into the water. * Set the fish finding sonar's sensitivity while watching the display. When the sensitivity is too high, there will be static-like patterns on the display. If the sensitivity is too low, not even the bottom of the body of the water will appear on screen. * 3 * Determine the depth of the body of water. This will be a numeric value on the fish finder sonar system's display.This is important in helping you to determine how much fishing line to feed out from your pole. * Get accustomed to the display's representation of the body of water. The bottom will appear as a jagged, solid line near the bottom of your display. The surface of the water appears as a jumbled static-filled horizontal line at the top of your fish finder sonar system's display. * Learn to identify patterns on your display t hat are brush piles if you're fishing on a lake. Brush piles appear as blobs resting on the lake bottom.Fish such as bass hide out in brush piles, so consider fishing near these echoes. * Learn how to identify fish on your fish finder sonar system display with the fish symbols turned off. With the symbols turned off, fish appear as short curved lines above the bottom of the body of water. Adjust the fish finder sonar's noise filter if there are lines in your display that look like random static. * Remember what the fish finder sonar display was indicating when you catch a fish. This will help you to learn how to use your system to catch more fish later if you keep in mind what to look for.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Surah al-Fatiha

Surah al-Fatiha is the first surah of the Quran and is recited in each prayer as the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of Allah be upon him, declared, â€Å"There is no salah (valid) without the opening chapter of the Book.†[1] On accepting Islam, a person should first memorize Surah al-Fatiha to be able to perform the prescribed prayers. Its meaning should be learnt and contemplated every time we offer salah. Its name:   It is named Al-Fatihah, the Opening – because it opens the Book and by it the recitation in prayer commences.It is also named Umm al-Qur'an, the Mother of the Qur'an, and Umm al-Kitab, the Mother of the Book, according to the opinion of the majority. This was mentioned by Anas, however Al-Hasan and Ibn Sirin disliked this appellation reasoning that this was the most fitting description for the Preserved Tablet. Al-Hasan also said that the unequivocal verses of the Qur'an comprised the Mother of the Book. However, it is established in Sahih At-Tirmidhi from Abu Hurayrah (may Allah be pleased with him)? Main ThemeThis Surah is in fact a prayer to the Lord of the universe for seeking guidance to the straight path Who alone can grant it. He alone is worthy of worship and He alone is to be asked for help because He is the Cherisher and the Master of everything in the universe. He is All-Merciful and has bestowed countless of bounties on His creatures, but at the same time He is the supreme Justice and everybody will have to answer Him on the Day of Judgement for his worldly deeds. When believers implore for the straight path, He always showers blessings on them and protects them from going astray. Supplication is the core of worship and the Holy Quran encourages the believers for petitioning, â€Å"And your Lord said: Invoke Me, I will respond to your supplication†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ? VirtuesLet us look at greatness and benefits of this amazing Surah so that we are reminded of its greatness.1:Greatest Surah of Quran (Umm ul-Quran): Importance of its greatness is described in HadithProphet (SAW) said:†Do you want me to teach you a Surah the like of which has not been revealed in the Torah, the Injeel, the Zabur, nor the Quran?†, and also asked what He recited in His prayers. He replied Umm-ul-Quran (Surah Fatiha) the Prophet (PBUH) proclaimed, ‘By Him in Whose dominion my soul is, nothing like it has been revealed in the Torah, the Gospel, the Psalms, or the Quran and it is seven of the oft-repeated verses in the Mighty Quran which I have been given.From this hadith, we can say that Surah al-Fatiha has great importance as it is known as â€Å"Mother of Quran†. Also, it has no other match no matter whatever has revealed before Quran. Surah al-Fatiha is the prayer which Prophet Muhammad (SAW) recited in his prayer, that's why Surah al-Fatiha is the most important part of our prayer and without it our Salah is void. Pillar of the Salah: As we all know this surah has great importance in prayer whoever not read it in his prayer his Salah is invalid or void. Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said Surah al-Fatiha is†The Mother of the Quran, the Mother of the Book, the Seven Oft-Repeated Verses and the Great recitation.† Cure of disease: Surah al-Fatiha is the cure for the disease as mentioned in the hadith:Hazrat Abu Saeed al-Khudri narrates:†While on a journey we halted at a place. A girl came to us and said: â€Å"The chief of this tribe has been stung by a scorpion and our men are not present, is there anybody amongst you who can recite something upon him to treat him?† Then, one of our men went along with her although we did not think that he knew any such treatment. However, our friend went to the chief and recited something upon him and the chief was cured. Thereupon, the chief gave him thirty sheep and gave us all milk to drink. When he returned, we asked our friend: â€Å"Did you know anything to recite upon him to cure him?† He said: â€Å"No, I only recited Umm al-Kitab (i.e. Surah al-Fatiha) upon him.† We said that do not do anything until we reach Madinah and ask the Prophet regarding this (practice and reward-whether the sheep were lawful or not for us). Upon reaching Madinah, we narrated this to the Prophet (PBUH), whereupon he remarked: â€Å"How did he come to know that Al-Fatiha can be used as a cure? (PBUH) Distribute your reward amongst yourselves and a lot a share for me as well. Light sent from heaven: An Angel addressed the Prophet (SAW) saying,†Rejoice in two lights brought to you which have not been brought to any prophet before you, Al-Fatiha and the last verses of Al- Baqarah†.Ibn ‘Abbas narrated:†While Jibril was with the Messenger of Allah, he heard a noise from above. Jibril lifted his sight to the sky and said: â€Å"This is a door in the Heavens being opened, and it has never been opened before now.† An Angel descended from that door and came to the Prophet and said: â€Å"Receive the glad tidings of two lights that you have been given, which no other Prophet before you was given: the Opening of the Book (Al Fatiha) and the last verses of ‘al-Baqarah.' You will not read a letter of them except that you will gain its benefit.† (Sahih Muslim) A cure for the heart: This Chapter of Quran have a supplication for protection from misguidance and from the anger of Allah. So this Surah protects the heart from corrupt knowledge and offensive motives.†You (Oh Allah) we worship and from You do we seek help†. (Ibn Qayim)As you can see this Surah has many benefits which we can utilize to protect ourselves from worldly difficulties? TAFSEERWhen we say Al-humdulillah, here ‘AL' means all or the entire hence meaning all praise is for Allah alone. The word ‘Rabb' stands for:(a) Master and Owner,(b) Sustainer, Provider and Guardian,(c) Sovereign, Ruler, Administrator and Organizer.This means that there's no one worthy of worship, but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He is the Sustainer and Owner of all that He has created in both Alams (Worlds). No prophet, no angel, no human, no so-called god or idol is worthy of worship, but Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala. He alone deserves devotion, worship, gratitude and no one else. This indicates that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is the Lord of the Universe in all these senses.Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem are two names derived from the same root Ar-Rahmah (the mercy). One of them is softer than the other, meaning, it carries more implications of mercy.The name Ar-Rahman is exclusively for Allah encompassing every kind of mercy. Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is Ar-Rahman for the entire creation regardless of what they believe in, whether they are evil doers or the righteous; they all receive their sustenance from Allah. On the other hand, the word ‘Ar-Raheem' is exclusively for the believers. Those who believe in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala receive special blessings from Him and they are the ones who are going to be happy and content in this life and in the Hereafter. Just look at how Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala right in the beginning of the Qur'an has informed us that He is a Merciful Lord. He doesn't want to punish people just like that rather He is Forgiving and Merciful. The condition to seek forgiveness or mercy is repentance. May Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala make us among those who seek repentance as soon as they realize they have done something wrong that might have displeased Him. Aameen. After Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala describes that He is Ar-Rahman and Ar-Raheem, He immediately gives a warning, that along with His mercy, He is also the Master of the Day of Judgment. So that a person should not forget that along with His mercy He is also Just.We must therefore not allow ourselves to be misled. We should always remember that we are accountable to Him. He is not unaware of what we do in dunya. On the Day of Judgment, He will gather entire mankind from Adam aalyhi sallam to the last child born and ask each of us to give an account of our actions. He has the power and right to pardon us or punish us. We should be constantly striving to please Him. After the person has praised Allah and thanked Him, now he stands before Him, addressing Him directly; O' Allah our worship, obedience, submission and devotion is only for You alone, and we only serve You. O' Allah we know that You are the Lord of the Universe and You have the power over everything, therefore, we only turn to You for help, for our needs and requirements. By saying Iyyaka na'abudu wa'iyyaka nasta'aeen, we are acknowledging â€Å"You alone we worship and to You alone we pray for help.†The word iyyaka means â€Å"My whole attention is only on You or You alone. â€Å"The word na'abudu is derived from the Arabic word ‘Abd â€Å"Slave† (that is why the most beautiful name to Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala is ‘Abdullah meaning the slave of Allah) and â€Å"Na† in Arabic is used as a pronoun for We. So when we say na'abudu we are saying â€Å"We worship† hence Iyyaka na'abudu means â€Å"You alone we worship. â€Å"Wa in Arabic is used for the English word â€Å"and† so when we add wa'iyyaka, we are saying â€Å"And to You alone†.Nasta'aeen means to get help or to ask for help. When we recite â€Å"Ihdina alssirata almustaqeem† we are asking Allah subhana wa ta'ala to â€Å"Guide us to the path that is straight.†Siraat in Arabic means â€Å"The path†We ask Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to show us the right path and in response to that He opens up the entire Qur'an as if saying, â€Å"This is the straight path you're looking for†. The straight path mentioned here and elsewhere in the Qur'an refers to Islam. We already mentioned the hadith in which the servant proclaims, ‘Guide us to The Right Way', and Allah says, â€Å"This is for My servant and My servant shall acquire what he has asked for†.When we make such a prayer to our Rabb, how do can we be led astray? Can we still have doubt and uncertainty in our life when we have asked Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to show us the Right Path? We can only get lost in labyrinths of doubt and uncertainty due to lack of true knowledge. Let us hold firm to the straight path that Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala has opened up for us. After asking Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to show us the straight path and protect us from deviation, we become specific in our prayer.We ask Him to show us the path of those upon whom He has bestowed His mercy i.e. people who are obedient to Allah and His Messengers. We seek refuge in Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala from following the path of those who have earned His wrath, or of those who have lost The Way. From traditions we learn that those who have earned His wrath are those knew the Scripture; who had read in their Books about the coming of a Last Messenger and his description yet they concealed the truth (meaning the Jews).Who have gone astray? Those who are not in search of the truth. Those who have known what is right but their weaknesses have led them far away (meaning the Christians). In the last ayah of this beautiful Surah there is a lesson for each one of us; anyone who knows the truth but hides it has earned Allah's anger and anyone who is not in search of truth may go astray. We beseech Allah subhanahu wa ta'ala to save us from following the path of such a person (or nation). We don't want that path Ya Allah, save us from treading in their footsteps. Aameen Ya Rabbil Alameen.? Impact of Surah Al-Fatiha on the life of a Muslim as servant of Allah.{In the Name of Allah, the Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.}– Always start your affairs with the name of Allah– His mercy is the first attribute used to introduce Allah to you{All praise belongs to Allah, the Lord of all the worlds}– Reflect on His infinite blessings– A practical tip is to remember one blessing in each rak`ah (unit) of your prayer{The Most Beneficent, the Most Merciful.}– The names of mercy are occurred FOUR times in a relatively short Surah– His mercy is the first attribute used to introduce Allah to you.  {Master of the Day of Judgment}  Ã¢â‚¬â€œ Reflect on the Day of Judgment– Remember that this prayer may be the last one before you meet Him.  {It is You we worship and You we ask for help.}– This Ayah is the CORE of the Surah, and the essence of Tawhid (confirming the one-ness of Allah)– This is a perfect moment to think about what you want from Allah, and prepare for your upcoming supplication (du`aa') and wishes{Guide us to the Straight Path}– The number ONE request you definitely need from Allah is guidance, and from Him alone.Remember that If Allah guides you, then the whole world with its temptation won't matter, so be sincere in your request.The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who have evoked [Your] anger or of those who are astray.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Black Holes Essays (607 words) - Black Holes, General Relativity

Black Holes Essays (607 words) - Black Holes, General Relativity Black Holes Black Holes Black holes are one of the more bizarre and intriguing predictions of Einstein's theory of gravity. Surprisingly, there is now a great deal of observational evidence that black holes do exist, both in binary star systems and at the center of most galaxies, including our own. Although we are gaining more knowledge of black holes, they still remain one of the strangest things anyone has ever heard of, and we may never know what exactly one of these things are and can do. It is impossible to manufacture black holes in a laboratory. The density of matter required is too great. In order to make a black hole the size of a baseball, you would have to pack all the matter in and on the Earth into a volume the size of a fist. Nature can make black holes, however. Matter naturally collapses unless there is some other force to hold it up. The objects in a room are kept from collapsing by electromagnetic forces. The gas in an active star is held up by thermal pressure. However, once a star uses up its thermonuclear fuel, it starts to collapse, and if there is enough mass to overcome other, microscopic forces, it collapses into a black hole. According to Einstein's theory, if we could pack enough matter into a small enough volume, the thing created inside will get so deep that the matter inside can never escape. A circle of no return forms. Any matter that passes the point of no return can no longer escape to the outside world. It necessarily keeps collapsing, moving towards the center. It gets deeper and deeper until finally a hole is literally torn in the fabric of spacetime: the density of matter at the center becomes essentially infinite. Thus, what is meant by a hole in the fabric of spacetime is: a tiny region of space where the known laws of physics break down. A black hole is a region of space so tightly packed with matter, that nothing, not even light can escape. Hidden at its center is a tear in the fabric of spacetime. Stephen Hawking showed in the mid-seventies that black holes aren't actually black. They glow in the dark. They emit radiation via microscopic processes that occur just outside the horizon. This means black holes ultimately evaporate. In reality, though, a solar mass black hole will take many times the lifetime of the Universe to evaporate. In some sense, a black hole marks a boundary to spacetime: a horizon beyond which no one can see without travelling through it. This radius of no return is called the event horizon of the black hole. All the bumps and wriggles of the matter from which they were formed are smoothed out as the matter contracts, so that the final shape of the horizon is always perfectly smooth and round. This is where everything gets really weird. To a distant observer, events near the horizon appear to slow down. If you drop a clock into a black hole it appears to tick more and more slowly as it approaches the event horizon. Time actually appears to stop right at the horizon. The clock's motion towards the black hole also slows down and to a distant observer it takes literally forever to fall through. If you fell in the event horizon with the clock, you would be sucked into the singularity in no time. As you fall, time and space become jumbled, and you cant control your falling to the center as much as you cant help yourself falling into the future. Black holes are definitely one of the most bizarre things anyone has ever heard of. We will never totally understand everything about them. They make up only a small part of our mysterious universe, though.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Is Trying lying And are you truly committed to your New Years resolutions

Is Trying lying And are you truly committed to your New Years resolutions A good friend of mine recently sent me his New Year’s resolutions: #1    Be here now. #2    Keep it real. #3    Try to answer e-mail promptly. I was taken aback by #3.   First, it was the only one that required specific action, and I wondered why he would choose returning e-mails above all the other important actions to take in this world, and over a more general commitment to â€Å"Keep in close and regular contact with people important to me† or â€Å"Take action quickly on items of importance.† Even more than that, however, I was struck by the insertion of the word â€Å"Try.† Is Trying Lying? I have spent the last 10 years or so reducing the incidence of the word â€Å"try† in my spoken and written communications.   In a women’s empowerment program I was taught, â€Å"Trying is lying.† In a completely different seminar, the instructor had someone hold a tissue box in the air and said, â€Å"Try to drop the tissue box.† The person dropped the tissue box, and was met with, â€Å"No, you just dropped the tissue box. I told you to try to drop the tissue box.†Ã‚   In another seminar, a different instructor did the same exercise, asking a participant to â€Å"Try to pick up that chair.†Ã‚   Trying to pick it up looked like holding on to the chair and pretending to pick it up but not actually doing it. â€Å"Trying† to do something, as illustrated in these examples, is as good as not doing the thing at all.   You’re not doing it, and you’re not not doing it.   Trying leaves you in an in-between place that, in my understanding, is ultimately powerless and ineffective. Excuses, Excuses We as human beings often use trying as an excuse.   Have you gotten that project done?   â€Å"No†¦ but I tried!   I just kept getting distracted.†Ã‚   Have you lost the weight you said you would?   â€Å"No†¦Ã‚   but I tried.†Ã‚   Why isn’t your relationship going the way you want it to?   â€Å"I don’t know†¦Ã‚   I’m trying so hard to make it work.†   We say things like â€Å"I’ll try to be there on time† so that if we’re not on time we haven’t broken a promise.   We human beings are so sneaky! Ultimately, a choice is required.   Either you do it or you don’t.   If you don’t do it, I believe the most powerful stance is to take responsibility that you didn’t do it.   If you’re still committed to a result, then do something else that works to get that result.   As another wise person pointed out, the way to attain any goal in life is to keep taking action until you achieve it.   Sounds so simple doesn’t it? Compassion is Key My New Year’s resolution friend disagreed with my take on trying.   He wrote, â€Å"I affirm the importance of stating, ‘I will try.’   Its like saying, ‘I intend.’   It sends a message to myself and others about how I am organizing my spiritual energies.†Ã‚   When I asked why he didn’t write â€Å"Try† for his other resolutions, he responded, â€Å"†¦ Its the only one of the three that doesnt come to me naturally.   So I must try harder.   :-)†Ã‚   (He also mentioned that if following #3 were to contradict #1 and/or #2, he would choose not to follow #3.   We have all seen the negative consequences of impulsive or compulsive e-mailing!) I understand the value of compassion, and I understand that we sometimes go through stages in our level of commitment to a goal.   Perhaps a gentle entry (like a promise to â€Å"try†) can be useful for taking on promises we don’t know if we will keep.   Certainly, if we don’t meet one of our promises, it doesn’t help to beat ourselves up about it.   Using the word â€Å"try† lets us succeed even when we fail.   But can’t we have compassion even if we frame our promises as absolute?   If I resolve to â€Å"answer e-mail promptly† instead of to â€Å"try† to do so, and then I don’t answer promptly, I might be empowered by acknowledging that I didn’t do it, looking at why I didn’t do it, and, if appropriate, making a new promise or doing it a different way next time.   To me, that’s â€Å"keeping it real.† Honesty The Best Policy New Year’s resolutions are notoriously not kept, and I wonder if the reason is that people put a silent, implied â€Å"Try† before every one of them.   If we truly resolve to do something, rather than to try to do it, we live a more powerful life and one where results will show up with more reliability. At least my friend put â€Å"try† where it could be seen, instead of pretending something was true that was not.   A straightforward acknowledgement of one’s tendency toward fallibility might be more powerful than having â€Å"trying† live in the unsaid.   At least with an honest promise, there’s room to grow.   In the end, we must each choose the language and intention that work for us, in service of living up to our greatest promises and resolutions. Category:Life and LeadershipBy Brenda BernsteinJanuary 9, 2012 6 Comments Ann says: January 10, 2012 at 9:41 am I think the word try is related to the word willing. I know that I am willing to do something, but that I may not get it done. Then I work at it again being willing to succeed. Usually I reserve willing for those great big promises where I hope that every time I fail, at least in my heart I was on the right road and that I am willing to keep working at it. I admit I failed. Being willing doesnt excuse me from admitting that. But I keep the intent. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: January 10, 2012 at 11:25 am Thank you Ann. So often people make resolutions but are not actually willing to follow through on them! Willingness seems to be a necessary foundation for carrying through on any promise. If we are not willing, we will not do it. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: January 10, 2012 at 11:43 am Yoda is a wise dude! Log in to Reply Fadl Isa says: January 11, 2012 at 2:29 pm Thanks for reminding me of the quote! Log in to Reply Penelope J. says: January 10, 2012 at 1:44 pm Youre right. Trying do something is not the same as an intention. However, rather than lying, the word trying weakens a resolution and leaves a loophole. Ill try to lose weight if I can/if the stars are aligned in my favor/if it isnt too hard/if I dont have too many temptations/if things go well for me, etc. That said, better to try to have a goal or a resolution than to have none at all. At least, theres an awareness that something has to be done. Log in to Reply The Essay Expert says: January 10, 2012 at 2:24 pm Yes, trying leaves room for a lot of if statements! Seems like were aligned on this one 🙂 Log in to Reply

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Give a history of the Catholic Church on the death penalty and note Research Paper - 3

Give a history of the Catholic Church on the death penalty and note how it has changed over time - Research Paper Example In the early stage, the catholic churches are considered to be the higher legal authorized body. During the middle ages, the people duly followed the pathway of churches. The Catholic Church is identified to follow capital punishment. However, presently, it has a strict negative statement about capital punishment. According to Catholic teaching, punishment is used against a crime with the aim of defending a society and in case of the failure of defending a society from such criminals, capital punishment should be used (Uelmen 355-356). The prime intention of the study is to reveal the role of the Roman Catholic churches towards providing judgment against a punishment. Apart from this, the study describes about the importance of churches for sentencing capital punishment. Contextually, the study will also reveal the transaction of the traditional Catholic Church in the present day context. The term capital punishment is accustomed and well known in the society. Capital punishment is also ascertained as death penalty in several countries. The law or the rule of death penalty was established during the period of 18th century B.C. The law of death penalty was introduced by Hammurabi, King of Babylon. Death penalty was introduced by King Hammurabi for different crimes and offences. Apart from this, death penalty was also followed during the 14th century by different legal bodies and churches. Besides that, Britain also established the law of sentencing death penalty as a punishment to those people who are committing any criminal offences. With the inspiration from Britain in providing the capital punishment, America also follows the tradition of capital punishment. It is ascertained that America having the highest records in sentencing punishment through death penalty. It has been affirmed that during the middle ages when British people entered America for shelter, Americ ans brought the practices of